
Standard files/template

The following standard files are recommended. As the project evolves we may revise this list.

File Description
README.md Introduction to the project
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Code of Conduct
MAINTAINERS.md List of maintainers
CONTRIBUTING.md Guidance for contributors
GOVERNANCE.md Information about how the project is governed
SECURITY.md Security Policy, including how to report a security bug
SUPPORT.md Support policy and information
CODEOWNERS defines owners (for automatic approval assignment). Must use group definitions
antitrust.md Linux Foundation anti-trust statement

Some of the content needs to refer to policies that we have yet to write, so will need to updated later, likely with a link to the main pqcp docs.


A template is available at https://github.com/pq-code-package/template-code

This can be used to create new repositories, and additionally adds:

OpenSSF Scorecard workflow

[OpenSSF scorecard] has been added to run by default.

This makes some assessments about the project’s safety. Some issues will be noted in code scanning results, but will act as ‘todos’ as the project matures.

Standard Issue/PR templates

These files will need to be customized. TODO markers have been added.