
2024-04 Hackathon summary

Top achievements

New org members

These are the people added to the org (github ids) as maintainers/contributors to the projects below

Aided by others in discussion including Hart, Ry, Max.

Repository activity

repository activity during hackathon
tsc Record requests for new repo/teams/access
mlkem-c-embedded Created repo and teams
Code added - Based on pqm4 repo
mlkem-c-generic Created repo and teams
Awaiting code
mklkem-libjade Created repo and teams
Awaiting code (assembly)
mlkem-rust-libcrux Created repo and teams
Awaiting code
mlkem-c-aarch64 Created repo and teams after hackathon
documentation mkdocs-material
template-code Standard files
scorecard action
pq-code-package-hackathon mini site with links

Additional points

Next steps